The Best Presents Come Unwrapped

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

As children and even adults our parents want us to be happy. They always want the best for us.

Christmas used to be a fun, engaging time.

Back in the day the event was magnetically festive and energetic- exhibiting the true nature or spirit of what Christmas inhabited.

Many adults love to anticipate the receiving of gifts, but it is the children which served the ultimate excitement and joy.

Christmas never went by when I did not receive presents under the tree as a kid.

Despite the fact, my mother acknowledged there may come a time during Christmas when she may not be able to get me anything due to possible unpredictable events.

The day did come once, however, I was old enough where it did not matter.

We had a home that was secure, our bills were paid, we had food to eat, we had love around us, we had good health, we had God watching over us and our family members, and we had a long future to look forward to- those were the greatest gifts of all.

So, even though my mother enjoyed wrapping Christmas presents to surprise me the best presents came unwrapped, already out in the open to never be a lack thereof.