By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

So luckily for everyone We are all still alive and the World is going nowhere yet.I pity the Mayans and those that actually believe them.But since the World was supposed to end yesterday and now we all have a "kind of" new beginning and new slate, let's think about that.So its 4 days to Christmas and after all the post about the perfect gifts for the people in your lives and yourself, I want to remind us all of the greatest gift and to never really forget the Meaning of Christmas.Its not all about the gifts and money and dresses and vanity right?Christmas is a season we all celebrate the birth of Jesus, the most wonderful gift ever given selflessly to the human race and sometimes due to all the situations around us we all forget to be grateful and give love to one other even those who have hurt us deeply.We are not perfect, so why do we expect others to be?We are all a work in process in His hands.Let take this chance and thank all the people in our lives and love them without judging them and forgive those who have hurt us because we have also hurt somebody out there.Give LOVE and a warm HUG to everybody that you encounter and smile from your heart no matter what you are going through.Tomorrow is another day.Thank you all for your loves and I love you all.Have a wonderful weekend.PS: If you have notice on my sidebar there is a please vote for me button there.The Greek Beauty Bloggers are having a competition !You can vote either you have a blog or not I want you Vote if you really enjoy my blog please do vote.SHE GOT HER OWN is the name on the list.Thank you all so much and for those of you who don't understand greek, you can still vote and I can translate all the guides in another post, so let me know if you will like me to.Cheers to the weekend whatever your plans are.
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