The BEST Chocolate Shop!

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Towards the end of last week, my Account Manager and I ventured out on our lunch break to get a present for a client. We had been racking our brains, cogs turning all week trying to think of something and decided on chocolate – It’s always a winner, right? 

My Account Manager picked out a chocolate shop on Brick Lane we’d walked past a few times which sold fairtrade chocolate and off we headed.

Sorry about the angle…silly sign post in my way…

Upon entering this cocoa kingdom, called Dark Sugars, your senses are filled with the smell of chocolate whilst you’re surrounded by a room filled different chocolates for you to browse and select.

We spoke to the gentleman by the counter, a very friendly helpful man who advised us on pricing (It is £7 per 100g, which you might think a little expensive, BUT it tastes amazing so is worth it, and would be great as a treat! You just can’t compare it to Galaxy or Cadburys!). He also helped us on how much we could get for the amount we had budgeted. He watched us taking in the spectacle of all the varieties before offering a helping hand.

With who seemed to be the chocolate selecting expert by our side, some fab recommendations, and some very tasty testers (the liquid center salted caramel chocolate is a must buy!) we managed to fill our box.

And look out our masterpiece…

We heard from our client the following day who loved the gift!

This really is the best chocolate shop I’ve seen. Having the chocolate out in the open and someone even preparing new pieces at the front, it really did feel so fresh! The pieces in the pots surrounding the room, which looked dusted in cocoa powder (a bit like the two long chocolates in our box – central), made it feel less manufactured too – perhaps due to the uneven shapes and sizes. It just felt like you’d entered somewhere they did really know about chocolate and it’s origins!

They offer great friendly service to those a bit over-whelmed (I can say we definitely were!). Most important of all, it tastes absolutely amazing!

I would highly recommend going along…get yourself a treat or it’d make a fab Christmas present!

I don’t even eat that much chocolate myself, but if someone bought me chocolates from here..well I’d absolutely love it! (hint hint….ha)

If you go, I’d love to know which your favorite chocolate was!

Chloe xx