The Best Basil Pesto

By Ally @allykitchen

If you've got 15 minutes and lots of fresh basil, you're in business. You can make delicious basil pesto sauce in no time! This is the best!

Recipe for Basil Pesto

Basil pesto, like the Jewel of the Nile. Just 4emember that basil pesto has a strong flavor, so a little goes a long way.

Start with a small amount and add more to taste. You can also customize the recipe by adding other ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, or roasted red peppers for unique variations.

How to Make Pesto Sauce

Whether you use it as a sauce, spread, or dressing, basil pesto sauce is sure to elevate your dishes and add a burst of fresh, herby goodness!

And, it's a no brainer to make. If you grow your own basil, you can make large amounts like I have in this recipe with four super packed cups of basil leaves!

Basil Pesto Sauce

Without a doubt, basil pesto sauce is a delicious and versatile Italian condiment made primarily from fresh basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan or Pecorino cheese, and olive oil.

It originated in Genoa, Italy, and has become popular worldwide as a flavorful addition to various dishes.

No Nut Pesto Recipe

Now if you don't want nuts, then just omit. But you might consider substitute garbanzo beans or tahini, which is a sesame seed paste.

Either of these will just add to the depth of flavor of your pesto. Or, as I said, go no nuts and omit.

Best Pesto

Note that traditional basil pesto contains pine nuts, but you can experiment with other nuts or seeds to suit your taste or accommodate any nut allergies.

Additionally, some variations include a squeeze of lemon juice or a dash of red pepper flakes for added brightness or spiciness. Get creative and enjoy the wonderful flavors of basil pesto!

What to Do with Basil Pesto Sauce

First of all, you can make my absolutely divine Pesto Meatballs! Yep, it will create happy havoc at the dinner table!

Whether you use it as a sauce, spread, or dressing, basil pesto sauce is sure to elevate your dishes and add a burst of fresh, herby goodness!

And, don't overlook that you can use this same recipe and do a combination of fresh herbs creating a mixed herb pesto sauce!

How Long does Pesto Last

The shelf life of basil pesto sauce depends on how it is stored. Typically, basil pesto can be kept in the refrigerator or freezer, and the storage duration varies for each method:

  1. Refrigerator: If you store basil pesto in an airtight container in the refrigerator, it will generally last for about 5 to 7 days. Make sure to cover the surface with a thin layer of olive oil to help preserve its vibrant green color and prevent it from oxidizing.

  2. Freezer: Basil pesto freezes well and can be stored in the freezer for an extended period. Transfer the pesto to an airtight container or ice cube trays (for smaller portions) and cover it with a layer of olive oil to prevent freezer burn. When stored properly, basil pesto can last for up to 3 to 4 months in the freezer.

How to Store Fresh Pesto

Keep in mind that the quality of basil pesto may gradually decline over time, so it's best to use it within the recommended storage periods for the best flavor and freshness.

If you have a large batch of pesto and can't use it all within the recommended timeframes, freezing is a great option to preserve its taste and color. Just thaw it in the refrigerator or at room temperature before using.

Can Homemade Pesto be Frozen

Remember that the storage durations mentioned above are general guidelines and may vary based on the specific ingredients and preparation of your basil pesto.

Always use your best judgment and rely on your senses to check for any signs of spoilage, such as off odors, mold growth, or changes in appearance, before using the sauce.