The Benefits of a Laptop Lifestyle for the Travel Obsessed

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

When I decided to start my online business four years ago, I knew I was done with the unappreciated 70+ hour-work weeks at the office. I wanted so much more from my limited time here on this planet. I wanted to grab life by its ripened fruit and squeeze every last drop right out of it! So I quit my job and decided come Hell or high water I was going to figure out a way to spend my life traveling and make money while doing it.

To say I’m obsessed with travel might sound a little bit too obvious but it’s true. Traveling truly is an integral part of my chemical makeup and it always has been. The telltale signs were always there – never wanting to put roots down in one place, always wondering what people are like in other countries, always having so many questions about foreign landscapes and cultures…I had a deep-seated need to experience all these things first-hand.

So it made sense that when I decided to Quit the Cubicle (the very apt name of my online course) that I would create a lifestyle that would allow me to follow my dreams – ALL my dreams. Since then I have lived in 45 countries and worked from all of them too with the help of my trusty laptop. I’ve been able to completely redesign my entire life around world travel – and it’s been the happiest four years of my life! You don’t have to be quite as obsessed as I am to make this work – but passion does help!

“You simply have to want it badly enough.”

Maybe your dream is to spend half your life traveling and the other half in a remote mountain top cabin. Or maybe you really only want the freedom schedule to allow yourself travel at the drop of a hat! Regardless, you can make it happen. As long as you have an internet connection and your laptop, you can work from any country your little heart chooses! It’s like having a portable business in your suitcase. You can work any place, any time, putting in as few hours as you want – and leave at the drop of the proverbial hat.

More Freedom than You Know What To Do With

If I haven’t made myself perfectly clear yet, the key benefit to a laptop lifestyle is freedom. Once you get into a routine with all your scheduled events and see just how much free time you have on your hands, you’re bound to suddenly want to do everything. Without that pesky alarm clock and the stuffy suits you’ve been wearing, you’re likely to have so much free time you’ll start to feel like you didn’t do didn’t do something.

The Beauty of Online Business

Running your own business online can certainly be daunting but with some minor adjustments you can set it up to pretty well exist on its own. There’s little to no overhead expenses to deal with, no transporting to work every day, and your income potential is unlimited. I guess this is why so many people are opting for the “laptop lifestyle” these days.

I mean, you just need to take a look at your Facebook feed to see people all over the world are making loads of money from their laptop, and usually in their sleep! Passive income is all the rage right now, and why not! Make money in my sleep? Ahhh yes please!

What I’m getting at here is, no matter what you want in this life, whether it be to build a million dollar online empire or to simply have more time in your day to spend with your kids, it is 100% possible! And more than that, because online business is now so readily available you owe it to yourself to join on the Entrepreneur Revolution and start living the life you truly desire

“Life is too short to live any other way!”