The Beauty of Being Self Aware.

By Jenrene

Self-evaluation can help you to notice your vulnerabilities.   What’s good about recognizing where you are  a bit weak? Vulnerabilities  can help you strive to be less self-centered and more  in tune  with your life goals.

It also offers you a sense of humility and gratitude about where you are in life.

The Beauty of Being Self Aware.

I often  have  to give myself allowance“ to be who I am .  Sometimes being who were are can be conflicting, if we are still trying to determine who that is.  Giving myself  ’allowance’  gives me “permission” to be FREE to make decisions regarding  my life. When I  allow myself to grieve, to  hurt, to  smile, even… I am embracing my ability to be  who I am. As a young woman,  am always transitioning, self-evaluating, yielding, purposing, helping , adapting and changing becausechange is how I grow.  When allow change, I allow or welcome peace on another level  in my life.(Although it may not initially look like peace, it can lead to another way of being and doing with the lesson learned during this season. )  So as I  challenge myself to be in a continual state of growth,  I welcome altruism.  I am evolving into the person God desires me to be.  But most of all, I notice I can be something I didn’t realize I had the power to be.

There are at least three  wonderful benefits that come self-reflection and self-acknowledgement:

1. You can recognize  and build upon your dreams.

As you become aware of yourself and how you operate in the world and the influence you have on others  you become selfless and  find  a way to connect. Connection recognizes good will and intention and opens the door for  a spirit of giving. Living our dreams isn’t always about getting, sometimes it involves recognizing what we can give.

2. Dreams come true when you can recognize WHO and WHOSE you belong to. Knowing your identity  and taking time to honor  and embrace it, turn can into an amazing  reservoir of strength.

You begin to explore and cherish paths unknown  and as they energize  you, you can begin to observe the purpose of living on an even higher level. Like self-awareness causes one to grow – a lack of self-awareness or inability to be transparent and open-minded can stagnate your growth.

3. You open yourself up to MORE.

Some of my greatest opportunities have come from deep, intense thought and prayer. Spending time with my hobbies and like-minded people who have similar goals and sharing these thoughts have offered me the privilege of being a part of great teams and sharing great synergy.

4. You learn how to self-nurture  and  care for yourself in body mind and  soul.

When you learn how to self-soothe, you can  begin to prioritize and acknowledge how to keep an element of sacredness in your life. What do I mean by this?  You allow yourself to cherish life, and be cherished, and you also  welcome reverence into your life. When you  are revered, you shine. You remain special in everyone’s eyes, because you  acknowledged that you were specialfirst. When you learn how to meet your own needs, no one  else comes before the ones that are important. One of the biggest mistakes  we make in life is:  we substitute people, places and things – that are  not beneficial for us – for what we can  do ourselves. or   either God can do.

Here is the exercise I completed to find out more about myself: 

Being my own best friend looks like me noticing my needs and desires before anything else.

Do you daily ask yourself“What do you need?”  How many times do you actually answer it? How often do you actually taken action to move into  obtaining what’s needed by  actually doing something intentional about it?

For instance, I may need REST, but do I always reach for it?

I may need to be ENCOURAGED, but do I actually determine to spend time with a friend or listen to music  or an encouraging word or affirmation that  can actually meet that need for me?

I may need HOPE, but if  I don’t reach for hope  daily and inspire myself, it may hard to capture with each passing day.

I wind up struggling when I  ignore my needs . When I ignore my needs, I don’t give God the opportunity to  meet them.    Usually, I wind up in a bad place, sometimes because then I tend to take care of everyone else’s needs  before my own.  And  this is not a good habit to develop. Taking time for “me” helps me to notice  and  re-energize myself.

Self- motivation helps to keep your purpose fueled. What are your motivators?  Do you know what motivates you? If you don’t know, you should find out. It’s very  important to keep your coals burning and sparked, never allowing them to go out. If you work on fueling your passions you will begin to find your answers  meeting you at the front door.

 When you begin to expect good,  good is embraced. Expectation looks good on you. When you introduce  expectation, it encourages one to  transfer influence, and when you have influence,  miracles can bring about the  CHANGE that that offers you more in life.

Your personality characteristics help you to note why you are responsive to people and life the way you are.  Read more about personality factors here by  Raymond Cattell.