The Beautiful Bride and the Fire Brigade

By Claire

Vicky is a gor­geous bride with a fab­u­lous fig­ure — watch out for the full length images of her in her wed­ding dress which are really lovely. The high­light of this wed­ding, for me, is the team of fire­men: Neil and his col­leagues who turned out in full uni­form with shiny sil­ver hats and cer­e­mo­nial axes. I love it!

I was delighted to read Vicky’s rec­om­men­da­tion for a friend of mine too: Julie Daw­son from The Wed­ding Genie was her wed­ding plan­ner, and “did all the ground work and took all the stress away”. Vicky’s writ­ten a wed­ding report to go along with the pics so I’ll leave you to enjoy the feature.

Real wed­ding at Wal­ton Hall (with firemen!)

I wore a full length veil, a dimante bracelet and ear­rings and a a pair of 4 inch heeled Gina Shoes in Ivory Satin with dia­mante detailing.

Dur­ing the ser­vice Neil’s Watch all turned up in tra­di­tion Guard of Hon­our and dur­ing the cer­e­mony they all joined in with the singing from the Gallery, they com­pletely raised the roof and it was a very emo­tional moment.

My dress was hand crys­tal beaded Ivory silk Taffetta Gown with sen­su­ous body drap­ing and soft chif­fon train designed by Angelina Colarusso.

Neil wore a gray three piece Gior­gio Armani suit with sil­ver gray shirt and tie from Hugo Boss.

It was a beau­ti­ful hot day and after the emo­tional ser­vice we joined our guests on the ter­race drink­ing and chat­ting for a cou­ple of hours before the wed­ding break­fast, lis­ten­ing to the beau­ti­ful sounds of Vie Wat­son. We had been very selec­tive of who we wanted there to share our day with no pres­sure from our fam­i­lies, which enabled us to be com­pletely relaxed to enjoy our day.

My wed­ding day advice would be don’t force your groom to be involved in the plan­ning. Neil enjoyed the day more because lots of aspects were a sur­prise to him too, I hadn’t spent every day dis­cussing the wed­ding on the run-up, so he really enjoyed himself.

This is the tal­ented and beau­ti­ful Ruth Lorenzo per­form­ing at Vicky and Neil’s wedding

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

Jo Hast­ings Pho­tog­ra­phy — I have know Jo for many years and had pre­vi­ously had a boudoir shoot with her! We really had such a laugh and she made us feel totally relaxed and most impor­tantly the pho­tographs were just perfect.

See more images from Vicky and Neil’s wed­ding day on Jo Hast­ings’ wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog

I used the ser­vices of Julie the Wed­ding Genie! I knew what I wanted but Julie did all the ground work and took all the stress away. Julie had used many of the sup­pli­ers before so I was confident.

Read all about Vicky and Neil’s wed­ding on Julie’s wed­ding plan­ning blog

Jane– Pas­sion­flower Design in War­wick­shire –01926 580 0302 Very pro­fes­sional ser­vice and fol­lowed our color scheme perfectly.

For­mer Pas­try Chef -Ben the Cake Man — 0121 605‑4157 An Amaz­ing Cake, sim­ple but very ele­gant and best of all the taste, so fresh with lay­ers in Choco­late, lemon Sponge and Fruit to suit all tastes.

Make-up — Alli­son Tye –Alli­son has worked along­side our Pho­tog­ra­pher Jo Hast­ings before, so there­fore my makeup worked well on the pho­tographs but also gave me the look I wanted.

Vie Wat­son — 01902–688980 A voice that took our breath away, Vie sang dur­ing the church cer­e­mony and dur­ing the cham­pagne recep­tion, an amaz­ing lady with so much tal­ent and she was so versatile.

Sounds Fishy — Ian Fish — 0121–604-8863, Cre­ated an amaz­ing ‘Mar­ryoke’ wed­ding video, it was so much fun dur­ing the day and the end result was fab­u­lous, A 3 minute video that cap­tured the whole day which all our friends and fam­ily took part in and throughly enjoyed.

Dress — Angelina Colarusso 0208 398 0065– As soon as I met Angelina, she got me and knew exactly what I was look­ing for, the whole expe­ri­ence was amaz­ing each fit­ting she made more excit­ing and always adding that spe­cial some­thing to the design that made it per­fect.

As the ‘mar­ryoke’ wed­ding film is on YouTube, it seems only fair to show you… enjoy!

Huge thanks to Vicky and Neil, and con­grat­u­la­tions to you both. Thanks also to Jo Hast­ings for shar­ing her images with us on Eng­lish Wed­ding blog today.