The Battle Cry

Posted on the 03 April 2020 by Views She Writes @ViewsSheWrites

This was a very tough battle that was going on. The king was tired and almost losing hope. Most of his foot soldiers had lost their lives defending him. He had just watched his queen die a nasty death.

But he was the king and as long as he was alive, the battle must go on. He didn’t want to be a coward and surrender, when all those good people had laid down their lives protecting him. So, building up his courage and rising to the challenge, he plunged head first into the game and order the rest of his army for a last minute strategic attack.

The plan was a huge success when he managed to corner the other king along with his horsemen. The winning cry of “Check Mate” was like music to the king’s ears. Now he could rest in peace with the rest of the chess pieces till the next game begins.