The Basic Principles of SEO and Main Optimization Techniques

Posted on the 24 September 2012 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98

At a time when the vast majority of internet users use search engines, specially Google to access information, understanding the basics of SEO becomes critical to get success in increasing the number of visitors to a site. This article provides an overview of the basic principles of SEO and optimization techniques. Read SEO tips for beginners.

Usefulness of SEO:

What is SEO?

Many webmasters spend a lot of time and energy to develop, others invest considerable sums to create their favorite site, but when comes about SEO and optimization very few relatives and friends work on SEO and their visitors never come to visit … a frustrating experience indeed!

The traffic generated by search engines, and the undisputed leader Google, which may become very important, it is of course essential to understand the mechanisms foundation for a site or a page rather well positioned on search results. It is good to remember that the creation of a detailed and interesting content visitors is undoubtedly the basis for the success of any website, it is a necessary condition, but (unfortunately some might say!) insufficient to position themselves on the results of search engines.

It is always possible to improve the positioning of a site already achieved, but integration based on simple principles of optimization during the initial development of a Web page and a website will be more effective.

Note: we will not discuss in this article techniques disapproved by search engines, but only the basic principles and optimization techniques for SEO.

Main optimization techniques:

So what are these techniques?

When creating and launching a new website, we will look for some following SEO:

  1. Definition of the main theme of the site, selecting important phrases and keywords characterizing the content of each page
  2. Optimization “on-page” i.e. when writing code for web page
  3. Site architecture and management of internal links
  4. Optimization “off-page” management and external links
  5. Evolution of the site, frequency of updates, RSS
  6. Case of dynamic websites, URL rewriting
  7. Other factors affecting the positonnement

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