The Backfire of Apologetics

By Sjbedard @sjbedard

Originally posted on Worldview of Jesus:

The Christians that study the topics of apologetics understand the massive benefit it has in our spiritual lives. We’re able to intellectually push ourselves deeper into the material. Oftentimes, we become addicted to learning about this stuff. For me, I never wanted to learn about anything else. I read everything I could get my hands on. I watched every debate I could find. I listened to as many podcasts as possible. This happened for years, and is still happening to a large degree. Christian theology, philosophy, science, and history have become a daily part of my studies. The Lord has led me greatly in this area. I consider my studies as a form of worship.

However, have we ever examined whether or not our apologetic studies could potentially backfire on us? Is it possible to become so consumed with apologetics that we overlook the reasons why we’re doing it in…

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