The Autumn Equinox
By Judithmiddleton
I appologise for the lack of activity on my blog of late, attributable, I have to confess, to a very enjoyable holiday period and that despite the rather disappointing summer weather. However it’s the autumn equinox tomorrow and time for life to return to normal and, as the evenings draw in, blog-writing to resume. In Greek mythology autumn, of course, began when the goddess Persephone returned underground to live with her husband Hades. It’s arguably not, therefore, the most appropriate time of the year to be writing about separation. However, I confess that I haven’t been made aware of much underground living going on in Darlington at the moment, and nor have I any knowledge of reconciliations taking place in cellars or other subterranean places. Whilst I actively encourage anyone considering reconciliation to try their hardest, I always remind them that a meeting room at Relate may be a more supportive venue than a coal mine.