The Artisan of Malvasia Passito Wine: Mauro Pollastri – Punta Aria, Vulcano, Aeolien Islands, Italy

By Artborghi @artborghi

On the southern, most remote part of Vulcano island, Mauro Pollastri still produces the authentic, traditional Lipari wine:  the Malvasia Passito. Wine grapes are not immediately processed after collection, but left ripening in the shades thus to reach a particular alcoholic grade and sweetness. Check the following address to know more about Mauro’s Malvasia Passito :

Punta Aria agri-tourism and Malvasia vineyards

Grapes on the shores of Vulcano

Grapes are collected and left ripening protected by nets

Different sorts of grapes, both black and white, make the Malvasia Passito.

The modern cantina of Punta Aria: cheers! Mauro export his wine all over Europe: check it here if you wanna taste this exquisite sweet and fresh wine!

Filed under: artborghi reportage, conceptual photography, photography of green Tagged: lipari wine malvasia passito, mauro pollastri malvasia passito, mauro pollastri vulcano, mauro pollastri wine, punta aria vulcano