Hey hey hey you all, I'm coming back, step by step. I feeling soo excited cause I'm coming home!! -Im coming home I'm coming home, tell the world that I'm coming home-, just 3 more days to go and thats it. I really need this break, too much changes have been happening and I need to breath before I have a mental break down. So, I just want to post some picture of my work for my Moulage class, its not finished, but just to share with you some photos of the process. Yesterday I had my last class until January -I'm glad for that, but don't misunderstand me, I love this class- Its been too much work since I started.

Moulage is a fashion design term where the designer fitsor molds the fabric on the model or dressmaker dummy. I t's a very interestingfashion design process that allows the fashion designer to create in threedimensions rather than one, such as when sketching a design. it's also a greatway to see how fabric will drape and to match patterns in fabrics.
I think its been one of themost important classes this semester and even though its been exhausting andhard work, I absolutely love it.