The Art Of Placing Your Email Sign-Up Forms

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

When us women get encouraged to keep that light bulb on and run with the spark that flickered across our brains, the first piece of advice we pretty much get given is: you need a website. There’s no hesitation, no ifs or buts, and no two ways about it. Websites are the most essential factor when it comes to modern day, entrepreneurial success.

It’s your first impression, your business card, your brand ambassador, your best salesperson, your most essential marketing move and all that stuff. But above it all, you get the chance to build a community of repeat customers, and the best way of doing this is to get yourself an email subscription form – the more the better.

Of course, there are certain things that swirl and whirl about a newbie’s brain when they hear this because the idea of collecting any sort of data means having a clue about your disaster recovery requirements, changes in the law cookie options and the recent amendments that are GDPR. But that stuff can be figured out in a simple conversation. What we’re going to tackle is where on your website you need to have your email subscriptions forms.

Oh yeah, it’s a science.

So, without further ado, here are some places that have been proven to have a high conversion rate. Good luck out there.

  1. Pop One In A Feature Box

The most successful place to add an email sign-up form is a feature box. It’s having a box on your website that grabs the reader’s attention, something with a professional image and snappy copy, and pop a subscription box at the bottom. It could be the allure of free advice, an exchange for your e-book or the chance to have your weekly blogs delivered to their inbox.

  1. Your Sidebar Needs One

A surefire way to miss out on some valuable email entries is to have a sidebar with no subscription box. But we’re not talking about just anywhere. You need it to be slap bang at the top of it. Right at the top. That’s the first place people look and the only place people see in focus. Everything else is a blur.

  1. Bottom of Each Blog

The hardest thing to achieve with a blog is having someone click on it and then read the whole thing. It’s no easy feat. So if someone does do this, they clearly love your content, which means there is no better time to hit them with a signup form than at the bottom of each individual post. It grabs the reader when they’re at their most vulnerable – when they’re revelling in their love for your work – which is why this place converts so well.

  1. Every Footer Needs One

Following on from the previous point, if someone scrolls through your entire website and reaches your footer, they’re clearly engaged with what you do. They’re also vulnerable and in love, so ask them for action straight away with a sign-up form in your footer. Easy.
Trust us, when you have an army of email subscribers, you have the chance to build and grow like never before.