The Art of Better Thinking Starts At Home

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

What does it mean to think better? Essentially, thinking is something that you do all the time. According to a study carried out by psychologists at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, a person has on average 6,200 thoughts in a single day. Thankfully, we don’t remember all our thoughts. More often than not, a thought leads to another, and the process sets a natural transition from one event to the other throughout the day. 

But it’s an interesting realization. Everybody shares approximately the same amount of thinking. Therefore, it seems odd to use phrases such as “thinking hard.” Coming up with more creative ideas or better solutions doesn’t really have anything to do with how hard you think. If you want to improve your creative brain, the secret lies in your lifestyle habits. 

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Embrace a brain-friendly diet

Did you know that 75% of your brain is water? Staying hydrated is important if you want to support all cognitive processes. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a drinking log if you’re the kind who doesn’t drink enough water during the day!

Brain food can also make a big difference in helping components of your brain stay healthy and engaged. Fatty omega-3s acids, lean proteins, and complex carbs as part of a balanced diet provide the nutritional value the brain requires for optimal performance. 

Challenge your thinking habits

The main reason why some people can think outside the box while others can’t escape the box is that they constantly open their minds to new questions. Exposing yourself to new approaches can be a nice way of breaking the mold and thinking fresh thoughts. You may want to add a few thoughtful books to your bookshelves, such as philosophical essays or even the Stanford GSB essay questions manual. They will help you further push your thinking and even help you organize your ideas. 

Philosophy is the art of questioning statements and asking apparently simple questions that hide a deeper truth. In many ways, Harvard and Stanford acceptance essays follow the philosophical thinking pattern but apply it to a tangible environment. So, it can be good practice for the brain to challenge itself to these questions!

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Introduce brain health routine

Brain health is complex, and scientists continue to make new discoveries about the brain every day. However, there are also plenty we know and understand about it. 

For a start, your brain requires constant oxygenation. It consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen supply, despite being only 2% of your body. The reason for its high oxygen needs is its metabolic energy production. Additionally, blood flow to the brain is instrumental in maintaining its energy levels. Low blood flow is associated with neurological disorders, such as dementia. As such, keeping a healthy brain relies a lot on blood circulation. That’s precisely why it is essential to maintain an active lifestyle if you wish to protect your brain. Sports activities increase blood flow throughout the entire body, ensuring the capillaries in the brain can maintain their functions. 

How healthy is your brain? Protecting your brain health is the first and most essential step when it comes to developing better-thinking habits. Your diet and your lifestyle play both a significant role. There isn’t really a benefit in exposing yourself to new thinking processes and patterns if you don’t first properly equip your brain. Good luck and happy thinking!

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