The Apps I Can’t Live Without

By Erynecarter06

I’m obsessed with my iPhone. And as I’m siting here writing this post, I’m realizing that I probably should have written this one before Insta-Obsessed. It would have made more sense. But the Insta-Obsessed post is what inspired this. Anyways, moving on.

My iPhone is glued to my side at all times. If I can’t find it, I find myself in straight panic mode. I don’t particularly like that I’ve gotten that reliant on a device, but it is what it is. And I’ve learned to embrace it. Since I have a phone that I can’t live without, I decided I’d write about the apps that I can’t live without (Apple-installed apps not included!). And here they are, in no particular order.

1. The Weather Channel - I live by the weather. In fact, now that it’s summer, I find myself constantly checking it in hopes we’re due for a thunderstorm. Now, here’s where it gets weird. I hate thunderstorms – at least the really severe ones (but who really enjoys those..) but I love a good afternoon thunderstorm in the summer. It’s like the epitome of summer to me.

Severe Weather Alerts – BRING. THEM. ON.

2. Checkbook – The second I got my iPhone, I stopped using a regular checkbook register. I swear by this app. I love it, and I love being able to track everything right on my phone. My debit card is always with me, so it makes my life easy having my checkbook with me too! Plus, it’s so much less bulky than the old-school checkbook register.


3. Instagram – Shocker.

4. PicTapGo!- This app is a recent discovery, thanks to a few friends that use it, and it has changed my life. Okay, that’s probably a bit of an exaggeration. I like to share some photos from my photography business on Instagram, but I always found they were too large and could never find the right app to get them to fit. This one was the answer, and now I can happily share my photo work (not from my iPhone), and the whole image is visible! Win!

It has a nice white border around it – but you can’t tell here. Since my blog is white.

5. Credit Karma – I’m an adult now (in case you didn’t know), and knowing what my credit score is, has become very important to me. Especially if I plan on buying a house anytime soon. I love this app too because it’s free, unlike most of those places out there that want you to pay to get your credit score. And it’s updated weekly so I always know my credit score is right on the money!

6. Us Magazine – I’m a sucker for this gossip magazine. So obviously it needs to be on my phone so I always know what’s going on with my favorite (or least favorite) celebs!

7. MapMyFitness – I’ve tried a lot of fitness apps, and this one is definitely my favorite. i love that it tracks any kind of fitness (not just running or walking), and it’s pretty accurate in terms of mileage and such. I love the community behind it as well, and being able to track my progress.

8. Dices with Buddies – I don’t play many games on my iPhone… however, I love Dice with Buddies. It’s essentially Yahtzee. But it doesn’t make me think too hard (although, maybe I need more apps that do that!). It’s a quick, easy game to play. And you should all start playing so I can have more friends to play with.

9. Sell with Etsy – This is ESSENTIAL to my Etsy shop business. I can track my stats, read conversations and monitor orders all on the go. Highly recommend if you have one!

10. iPassword – I have a lot of passwords. And this helps me to organize and remember them all. It’s protected with a simple 4-digit code, and after inputting it, you have access to everything you entered in. It’s fantastic.

So there you go, my ten ‘I Can’t Live Without These Apps!’ list. Nothing too exciting, or out of the ordinary, but definitely ones I use ALL THE TIME.

Question of the day:

What apps do you use everyday? Comment below!

Have a great day!