The Answers Are Within You

By Lifecoachlindaluke @coachlindaluke

Clients often come to me when they are facing major decisions or charting new territory in their lives.  They seem to be in dilemma and unsure of what to do, but I know the answers are already there.

The pattern is that their hearts make a suggestion and then fear tries to shut it down.  So, they go mental.  They think and think and think.  They gather data and facts and ask friends and colleagues.  They seek the answers outside of themselves.

Sound familiar?   I do it too.  It’s a human thing…

Gathering information is a great first step, but we don’t need to get stuck there.  We have all of the resources we need within to guide our life path.  Our hearts and souls will lead us where we are meant to go.

So, when you need direction in your life, shift from head to heart and ask yourself, “What does my soul want me to know?”.   The answers will come from the calm, solid voice of inner knowing that lies within you.

(picture credit – J Booth)