Srsly, who does not want Prada? I bet none. Even as simple as the bags in the photos, you will still drool to know that the tag is Prada. Designer bags such as these are made to last. Thus, it is highly recommended that you own at least one.
Prada has always been the kind of designer bag that caters to ever citizen's bag needs. They have variety of designs that will fit your fashion ideas. These prada nylon messenger bag are just one of the many designs that Prada offers.
Now, how can you strut out a style with the bag? There are many ways to style it. Here's an example that I made with Polyvore.
How to strut your Prada nylon bag
The black color of the Prada Nylon messenger bag and nude tone of the shoes and bracelet will tone down the neon color of the pants and the teal color of the cropped top. The best way to style your hair is to let it down with volume. And, you are ready to go.
Remember, whatever your style may be, just always wear those that you are comfortable with. And always keep in mind that you are already beautiful with any style as long as you can give justice to what you wear. It is not in the clothes you wear that you appear lovely, it is in how you carry your clothes.