The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones

By Pamelascott

It's been four years in prison since Jade Daniels last saw her hometown of Proofrock, Idaho, the day she took the fall, protecting her friend Letha and her family from incrimination. Since then, her reputation, and the town, have changed dramatically. There's a lot of unfinished business in Proofrock, from serial killer cultists to the rich trying to buy Western authenticity. But there's one aspect of Proofrock no one wants to confront...until Jade comes back to town. The curse of the Lake Witch is waiting, and now is the time for the final stand.


The Scourge History of Proofrock, Idaho opens looking through the two eyeholes of a mask, with some heavy, menacing breathing amping up the menace.HERE COMES THE BOOGEYMAN


(Titan Books, 26 March 2024, e-galley, 528 pages, copy from the publisher via NetGalley, #POPSUGARReadingChallenge, a horror book by a BIPOC author)



I'm a fan of the author so jumped at the chance to read The Angel of Indian Lake. I enjoyed this book a lot. Confession time - this is the final book of a trilogy and I haven't read the other two. I had no idea until I started to read it. I enjoyed this a lot. The author is a great horror writer and this book is a shining example of how good, how gripping and engrossing a horror novel can be. I will need to read the other two books to get the whole story. I'm sure there are things I've not picked up on because I haven't read them. This is a rollicking, engrossing and quite scary horror yarn. I'd recommend it.
