The American Public Has A Very Poor Opinion Of Trump

Posted on the 06 February 2019 by Jobsanger

We know that Donald Trump's job approval is upside-down, and has been since he was sworn in to office. But just as bad, or worse, is the public's opinion of the qualities that Trump has -- qualities that make him unfit to live in the White House.
Note in the chart above that on the positive qualities (those we want a president to have) a majority don't think they apply to Trump. And on the negative qualities (Those a president should not have) a majority thinks they do apply to Trump. Frankly, the public doesn't think Trump is fit to serve as president.
The chart above was made using information in the latest Politico / Morning Consult Poll -- done on February 1st and 2nd of a national sample of 1,993 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.
The same poll shows Trump would have a very hard time getting re-elected if the 2020 election was held right now (see chart below).