Rambo: Saw you’re 10-6-17 post regarding some guy calling you a racist. Left the first comment about that. P.S. I happen to be a Black guy.
The real hardcore nasty racism against Black people bothers me. I do not mean just words and whatnot, but ugly words are still gnarly. It’s hard to argue that you’re not racist against Blacks when you care calling them niggers all the time like so many of these Alt Right types do. Used in a certain way, that is a very cruel word to use against Black people. It is nearly a slap in the face. It’s literally a fighting word.
Real discrimination against Blacks bothers me too. I am against discrimination! However, I would argue that disparate impact has to go, and affirmative action is not the way to deal with discrimination.
I am outraged at the way Blacks are having their right to vote taken away from them. It’s like we are back to Jim Crow.
It’s little known, but the Housing Rights Act is barely enforced at all. It’s a great law, the last of the great civil rights laws of the Second Liberation, but it’s toothless a lot of the time. They do have investigators they send out, and it is pretty simple to pick up discrimination, but they get constant budget cuts, especially when Republicans came in. Trump put this silly Tom named Ben Carson in charge of HUD, and one of the first things this House Negro said was that he would not enforce the Housing Rights Act.
Job discrimination has declined dramatically, but it’s still out there. Promotion discrimination is actually a more serious problem. The EEOC generally has good resources to fight this, and they do all the time. Good for them. The lawwuits are generally not abusive (though the disparate impact ones are) and most of the time, they are filing suit against some nasty policies.
Trump’s softer racism is starting to bother me too. When there are multiple people doing something he doesn’t like, he singles out the Black man and goes after him. And he seems to single out Blacks for attacks based on their behavior. This NFL flap feels racist to me. He just can’t resist any opportunity to bash Blacks. I think he is trying to win points with his racist base this way.
It is sickening that Jeff Sessions is now Attorney General. This is one nasty, ugly, old cracker White man from the South. He’s an unreconstructed Jim Crow type racist. His racism is raw and unmasked. They put this anti-Black racist cracker in charge of enforcing the laws of this land! Outrageous!
The modern antiracist movement of which many Blacks are a part of has gone completely bonkers and off the deep end. They have taken things way too far, and all they are doing is making people mad. Plus they are fighting for some very dubious things. Even worse, they are driving some formerly sympathetic Whites over to the overt racist side as the logic of the crazy debate is that you are with either the CRT kooks or the nasty racists, and there’s no middle ground. You have to side with one idiot or the other. It’s a game of Pick Your Fool.
But the correct response to the craziness and stupidity and even wicked folly of modern anti-racism is not be become a racist in response. The correct response is to say the Hell with the CRT Cultural Left antiracists and the Hell with the real racists too!
There’s nothing wrong with antiracism or better yet, nonracism. I like the word nonracism better than antiracism, as the modern version has poisoned the word to where it’s not even a good thing any more. Further, antiracism seems to mean that one must be consumed with a constant war against racism wherever it rears its ugly head. I don’t agree with that. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have better things to do than to use up all my energy battling racist assholes.
Racism will never go away anyway, so in that sense the modern antiracists are either attacking windmills with spears, or worse, racism has become their very own White Whale. The best response is probably to line up with neither the antiracists nor the racist bastards and instead to simply drop out of the war. That doesn’t mean refusing to take a side. It means trying not to be racist yourself and opposing real racism at least in your mind while somewhat dropping out of the interminable war against the racist Leviathan.
But most of the principles of original Civil Rights Movement of Rosa Parks, the Little Rock Seven, James Meredith, SNCC, Martin and even late Malcolm are righteous things, and those values are still very much worth holding. The Alt Left in general upholds the values of the early Civil Rights Movement or what we call the Second Liberation, with a couple of exceptions for overreach.