The Alt Left, Leftypol and Third Positionism

Posted on the 17 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

Nebulous Maximus: I’ve noticed the Alt-Left group on Facefuck seems like it’s settled into being a /leftypol/ kind of crowd…mostly Socialists, Social Democrats and even Anarcho-Communists who happen to have a disdain for SJW’s and IdPol bullshit. But few people seem to want to touch HBD issues at all. I dunno, to me HBD seems like an effective normie-repellent. The Alt Left becomes a lot lest Alt in groups that are unwilling to at least entertain HBD issues.

As you may be aware, I started a movement called Liberal Race Realism a long time ago, maybe seven years ago. It was notable mostly for being a complete failure. It was a disaster. Basically nobody signed onto it. The few people who called themselves Liberal Race Realists assembled in the Comments Section and hurled racist rhetoric at each other forever. The whole idea of Liberal Race Realism was that antiracism was supposed to be a component. Well, antiracism and HBD go mix like oil and water – they don’t mix at all. Liberal Race Realism collapsed under the crushing weight of its own contradictions.

Nebulous Maximus: So the question is, is /leftpol/ culture even Alt Left or is it just a Cultural Libertarian -meets- Social Democratic movement?

Some say that leftypol is a type of Alt Left, but their only known position on the Alt Left is that we can go to Hell, so I am thinking that whatever they are, they are not us.

Just for the record, leftypol has linked to my website and Rabbit’s in the early days when we were the only ones. They absolutely hated both of us and called us fascists and the usual crap. I think maybe they called us National Bolsheviks or Third Positionists, whom they hate.

Third Positionists also linked here and were a lot more positive, but some of them really hated the race stuff because as 3P’s, they were only into nationalism, and they figure a nationalist of any X nation can be of any Y race. In other words, race is irrelevant to nationalism. They added a well known photo of a Black man who lives in Brittany and dresses in traditional Breton garb that looks rather unusual because you never see people dressed like that. Closest thing might be Scottish Celtic dress such as kilts and knee-high socks. The implication being there is no such thing as a racial Breton if a Black man can be a Breton.

They were more positive about Rabbit’s site and they described me as somewhere in between leftypol and 3P but closer to 3P at times. As a leftwing nationalist, that would probably be correct. Leftypol rejects me heatedly and says I am not one of them so I guess I am out with those guys, and I don’t really identify with 3P which sounds fash to me. I’m a nationalist, but I don’t like fash, and no, that’s not a contradiction. I believe you can be a nationalist without being fash, and I assume that is what a leftwing nationalist is.

Nebulous Maximus: I do understand the existential threat that a friendly stance toward HBD poses; go deep enough down that rabbit hole, and it starts unraveling the massive rat’s nest of fallacies the past century or so of the Left’s egalitarianism orthodoxy completely depends on.

It’s fine with me to unravel these fallacies, but I think they are going to stick around a long time anyway. People just don’t want to believe HBD. They simply cannot handle  it. As long as they cannot handle it, they will keep throwing up the fallacies forever.

Nebulous Maximus: And then of course there’s the obvious, as Robert has pointed out so many times, HBD attracts the deplorables crowd like maggots on dog shit. But…in the end, the truth is the truth, as ugly as it is. It’s a very rare breed that can handle inconvenient truths in a responsible manner.

It’s hard to find an HBD’er who is not some sort of deplorable. I hope I’m one of those rare breeds. Tulio is a great example of a Black HBD’er who has not gone nuts.

Finding Left HBD’ers is quite uncommon. I don’t like the liberal HBD bloggers like Jayman because for starters, they are not very liberal. When leftwingers do go HBD, they typically become a lot less leftwing over time. There is something about HBD that seems to destroy any progressive thinking. It’s like pouring anti-progressive corrosive into your brain. It’s as if the human brain can be either HBD or progressive, but it can’t be both.

Nearly every HBD’er who comes here is a rightwinger – usually a Libertarian, loves capitalism, and embraces Social Darwinism as a religion. I might add that they are a particularly vicious type of rightwinger, as many HBD’ers’ ideas for how to deal with “inferior” races including phasing them out, withholding food and medicine from them until they all die, throwing them out of the country, or some sort of segregation. They seem to think that mercy is some suicidal form of weakness and they say just this many times. Even most conservatives aren’t that ugly. HBD’ers are nastier than even 90% of conservatives. Vicious little shits, most of them.

Also almost all HBD’ers with the notable exception of Race Realist here are hard hereditarians. They always say that they believe that both environment and genes play a role in phenotypic behavioral expression, but then whenever you throw up any environmental evidence for behavioral variation, they jump up and shoot it down. So I think they just say “environment is part of the picture” as rhetorical cover because when you get down to the nitty-gritty, most of them seem to allow no room for environmental effects on behavior at all. Even culture does nothing because culture is entirely mediated by genes.

It’s such crap. I’m an HBD’er, but I am a soft HBD’er. Soft HBD is the only thing that makes sense. Anything more implies that humans lack willpower or even agency. It’s absurd.