The Allotment – Digging for Victory

By Richard Randall @aude11360

I now have an allotment, well, not a whole plot, but half a plot.
A friend got an allotment a while ago, mainly just as a place to store stuff, so he has let me have half of it. You can see from the photos below that it needs some work. When I say some, what I really mean is weeks and weeks of back-breaking toil.
I am very happy to have a patch of earth where I can grow crops. So far I’ve been using our backyard. It is not a large space, and every pot I add means less space for our dog to mooch about, so moving some of the plants up to the allotment will be a good thing.
I’ve made a start on the allotment. I’m clearing small patches one at a time, and then plan to plant them. This way I will see results quicker, and not miss an entire growing season, because I’d spent all of my time clearing the entire space.
I hope I’ve got green fingers, and all of my hard work isn’t a waste of time.

Blog post by Richard Randall