The question typically arises regarding what the Deep State is, what its aims are, and who and what it consists of. It is not a simple question to answer, but nevertheless a rather complex abut intelligible answer is available and I will elucidate it below.
The Deep States simply run the foreign polices of the states of the world in order to benefit the corporate elite; the transnational, deracinated, cosmopolitan rich, and the multinational corporations. The Deep States are the “states within a state” in each nation of the West.
The MSM does not support the Deep State so much as they are the Deep State. The MSM is best seen as the propaganda wing of the Deep State and its benefactors, the corporate and wealthy world elite and the multinational corporations. The corporate and wealthy elite are also part of the Deep State because they rotate in and out of Deep State structures, and workers in the Deep State frequently rotate out to join multinational corporations or hobnob with the rich. Agents of the Deep State themselves along with agents of the corporate and wealthy elite themselves work for and write for the MSM.
The Pentagons, Defense Departments, NATO and intelligence agencies of the West are simply the armies of the wealth and corporate elite and the multinational corporations. So the Pentagon is more of less the army of the Koch Brothers, MonSatan, Wall Street, the oil companies, the bee killers, and the pharmaceutical companies.
No Defense Department of the West is there to defend its people from attack. Instead they are all War Departments, not Defense Departments, and their purposes are simply to go about the world threatening and attacking nations and organizations that are getting in the way or the corporate and wealthy elite and the corporations and their projects. The armies of the West are simply the hired guns of the banksters and the rich and these armies are much more anti-national than national because what they do only benefits maybe the top 20% of the population.
This is where arguments about the Deep State run aground. First of all, “the Deep State” itself is a misnomer right there, as there are Deep States all over the West and even multinational Deep States like the NATO Deep State – one of the worst Deep States around. And these Deep States are all locked together into some sort of a Deep State of the West that is in major agreement on most important issues.
Second of all, questions like who is a member of the Deep State don’t make a lot of sense as the various factions, arms and benefactors of Deep States such as:
- the corporate elite
- the wealthy world elite
- the multinational corporations
- the militaries
- the intelligence agencies
- the MSM’s
are more or less all wrapped up into each other to where you can hardly tell where one entity ends and the other begins. Furthermore all of the above are also completely wrapped up in the Deep State military and intelligence structures to the extent that all of the above are nearly part of the Deep States themselves.
So in other words, all of the above:
- are the Deep States
- work for the Deep States
- hire out the Deep States
- give orders to the Deep States
They are the Deep States, and the Deep States are them. Or to look at it another way, all of the entities above are ivy plants in a patch, but they have so wound into each other that you can hardly tease them apart anymore and for all intents and purposes, it’s e plant.
I hope this post explains the aims and structures of the Western Deep States better.