The Adventures of El Pancito: First Chariot Micro-Adventure

By Spanafrican

It was a matter of time that young Gabriel Gonzalez Ringdahl (aka El Pancito*) would head off on a micro-adventure** by bicycle. Having completed a 7km hike in the Darkensberg at 3mths, a 70km cycle trip at 6mths seemed like a moderate start to his cycling adventures. We tested the Thule Chariot so generously given to us by our friends Carla and William when he was around 3mths,  however despite the fabulous suspension system it was still a little on the bumpy side for such a small tot to head out on a proper adventure. Now a sturdy 6mth old  weighing over 8kg, el Pancito has been well accustomed to excursions in the chariot as a walker, so this next step was to test and see how he faired on a little trip into the Karkloof to meet some friends for the New Year at the beautiful Mbona reserve. Our trusty team included our dear friend  Cath Traynor, a surrogate auntie and bike and adventure enthusiast from the Cape. We were so grateful to have her chaperone us on this maiden voyage and document el Pancito’s first baby bike ‘steps’!

*el Pancito: means little bread/roll in Spanish, what we nick-named Gabriel when he was baking in the oven

** micro-adventure: Simple expeditions and challenges which are close to home, affordable and easy to organize. Ideas designed to encourage ordinary people to get Out There and Do Stuff for themselves, even in these tightened financial times. (The term was coined by round the world cyclist and adventurer Alistair Humphries)

The first few kilometres of the 70km round trip journey involved some of the Howick and Karkloof well worn trails.

Setting off from Howick, we followed the steep Curry’s post road to access some of the quiter forestry roads that abound with some of the finest single-track in the country.

Other team member included el Pancito’s Bunny.

We were tempted to try some of the techincal single-track, but knew that would be a bad move – never wake a sleeping baby especially on Puff Adder Pass!

We couldn’t done it without our great friend Cath!

Cycling through the eucalyptus and pine plantations.

Terrain included well graded road, jeep track and paved road.

Heading for the Karlkloof road, now 13km into the trip.

Let sleeping babes lie.

We were so lucky with the weather, scorching heat and storms are common at this time of the year.

Roads were generally quite, surprisingly it was the SUVs with mountain bikes on carriers that failed to slow down as they raced past us kicking up dust!

Team Selfie.

After a good hour nap it was time for a boob and stretch stop.

And a little jiggle on the handle bars.

Hello to the nguni cows.

We met a very friendly Gogo.

All fed up and ready for the road again…

Then after another sustenance stop (butternut and sweet potato) we continued on the beautifully undulating road (with a little more protesting from the back).

Not long to go, although some steep climbing ensured a slow pace..

Home at last! During the final k’s el Pancito took another forty winks, thankfully, as the mother really was busting a gut to get up those hills at a snail’s pace!

Then is was time for more micro-adventuring with the Drews at Mbona.

Heading across the grasslands.

Bridget, el Pancito, Sophie, Sarah, James and Matt, no-one is too old or too young for a micro-adventure!

Check out some seriously inspirational chariot-riding with el Pancito’s ‘chariot buddy’ el Huevito here in Patagonia:

Some pics of our first Chariot test ride when Gabriel was just 3mths!

Dad towing the chariot effortlessly.

Obligatory refuel stop.

Have a chariot day!