The 52 List by Lizzie Jones- a Book Review

By Gpangel @gpangel1
The 52 ListIt's all about filling our lives with simple stuff that makes us smile....Life is full of lists. To Do Lists, Will DoLists, Should Do Lists...The lists go on andon, but they all have one thing incommon. They're all lists of things wedon't want to do.So why not make a list of things you wantto do?Nothing major, nothing too complicated,just simple little things that can make abig difference.The 52 List by Lizzie Jones can help youmake the most of the little things in life.Why? Because in years to come, you'lllook back and realize that the things youthought were small and insignificantwere, in reality, what made your lifericher, happier and lots more fun.
It's not meant to be hard, it's not meant to cost the earth, it's justmeant to make you happy.... 
The 52 List by Lizzie Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The 52 List by Lizzie Jones is a 2014 Stelar Books publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Lizzie Jones writes in a everyday easy to understand language about the struggles all of us have in coping with our hectic schedules. As the book blurb suggest we have list and list and more list of things we feel we should do to be productive or of chores or errands or work related issues, none of which are fun, none of it is what we really want to do. Right?
So, why not make a list of things we DO want to do? The author will take you through her own personal experiences and how she has incorporated this strategy in her own life and how you can too.
I think this is a great idea and one worth trying. We can't of course shirk our responsibilities and blow off all our to do list in favor of doing whatever we want all the time, but we do need to stop and figure in the “want to” things too. I believe the author makes some strong points about depression and frustration and how often we feel unsatisfied despite having all the things we need and the luxury of having a job or being able to stay at home and raise children or whatever. We have no real reason for feeling this way and should be proud of our accomplishment and count our blessings but the truth is sometimes running at breakneck speed is counter productive, which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. This book is not all that long and you might find an outline at least on how to achieve more balance to life. I enjoyed the author's insights and how she not only preached but practiced this in her own life and was very plain spoken and direct making her voice easy to relate to. A little bit of editing to keep the outline and narrative from straying off course would help in some areas of the book. This short self help essay is something we could all take into consideration. Overall a 3.5 rounded to 4.
It's not meant to be hard, it's not meant to cost the earth, it's justmeant to make you happy....The 52 List is available to purchase NOW from Amazon in paperbackandon Kindle