The 4 C’s 101

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

An easy visual guide to the 4 C’s. I’ve chatted before about The 4 C’s of Diamond Grading, along with the various differences between GIA and EGL certificates. And knowing your 4 C’s inside and out will ensure that you get the best deal on a diamond. But if you’re in a rush – or just getting started – a crash course in the 4 C’s in visual form might be just the thing to get your wheels turning. I found this fun infographic on diamond grades and think it’s pretty helpful. There’s more to it than you can cover in an infographic (or even one blog post, which is why I typically break it down further and go C, by C by C…) but again, this is a great start. It’s also a fantastic refresher course if you remember most of the stuff you learned when you started researching, but now you’re ready to start shopping. Bonus, it’s easy to pull up on your phone while you’re at the jewelry store.
