The 365 Praise Project: A Praise A Day for Positive Parenting - #8/365

By Suvenchow
"Today has been an amazing day! We went to the chiropractor for Little Miss Not A Princess Bébé's routine session and my first session here in Aussieland. She was so well-behaved throughout both her session and my session (she waited for me for almost thirty minutes while watching Baby Signing Time on YouTube and munching on her Freedom buckwheat cereals). Absolute thumbs up for my little munchkin!"

1. Dr Paul Staerker @ Burswood Health (Highly recommended if your child needs adjustments, Dr Staerker has over 38 years of experience in chiropractic care!)
2. Baby Signing Time
3. Freedom food (Gluten free, nut free, wheat free... perfect snacks to bring for playdates to cater for everyone)