The 21-Day Tummy & Some New Tunes!

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey Loveys,
Happy Sunday! I can't believe the weekend is over. Wahhh. I have to admit that today I'm a little bit foggy. Last night Jen, C and I went out for our friend Jason's birthday to a little club downtown Toronto called The Midtown (it's on College St. for those who know the city). It was a great time although unfortunately Jen had to leave prematurely to go home to bed lol. I blame it on the fact that she didn't eat dinner before she started drinking... big mistake! I fed her a lot of water so hopefully she isn't too bad today!
The 21-Day Tummy & Some New Tunes!This week I received a copy of The 21-Day Tummy in the mail to review, which is written by the Editor of Readers Digest, Liz Vaccariello. I've been reading it over the past few days and I'm definitely really excited to try it out. It starts by explaining how our digestive system works and what types of things would upset the digestive tract. The diet basically cuts out all anti-inflammatory foods so that your digestive tract has time to settle and get back to a good state. It also promotes foods that help create good bacteria in your gut.
It's not exactly paleo, it's not exactly an elimination diet, but there are definitely aspects of both. You eliminate a lot of grains, a lot of dairy and it works in phases so you eliminate most foods in the 1st phase and gradually bring them in over the 3-week period. I know I had digestive issues... I often times get bloated after eating, or I have gas (the burping kind) and I was always told that it's because I eat fast. Part of the 21-Day Tummy is chewing your food at least 40 times, or until you're unable to tell what the consistency of the food was before you started chewing it. This is something I'll have to consciously work on.
The book comes with a meal plan and a ton of different recipes to try and information about all of the recipes. They actually tell you what to make ahead of time for the week and what recipes can stay in the fridge and what recipes can be frozen and used over the week. I was looking at all of the recipes last night and I'm totally in love with them. Every morning for breakfast you have a smoothie, and there are groups of different types of things to put in the smoothie, but you pick 1 thing from each group so you could technically have a new smoothie every morning! Love! Especially since I have smoothies for breakfast already! It includes snacks like a curry greek yogurt dip for veggies, which I'm uber excited to try out. I will share recipes with you as I make them so you can see how delicious they look!
Hopefully I can drop a few of the LB's I've put on in the past few months. C is going to be doing this with me so I'm excited for that! I'll be cooking for both of us, and I'm just excited to see the results. The people who did this in the book look amazing after, and hopefully it helps me find out what foods trigger my bloating and my burping. That would be ideal! :) I'll keep you updated on our progress for sure! C and I are heading to the grocery store today to get a start on the new grocery list and then I'll be spending part of my day making some meal prep for the week.... I'm actually really looking forward to it, I love when something gets me excited. The fact that it's only 21 days is definitely a selling point for me as well. :D!!
This week I was sent an email with some fun stuff to share with you! One of the lovely PR gals that sends me cool things to blog about sent me this playlist that was put together by Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser.
The 21-Day Tummy & Some New Tunes!
He states that American's (and I'm sure Canadian's as well) put on an average of 10lbs over the holiday season. Bob wants to help people get motivated to get back to the gym after American Thanksgiving and Christmas with this awesome playlist! I've embedded it here on the blog, but you can click here to be taken to it on Rdio directly. Just go to the website on your smartphone and you can listen directly from there.

Rdio is actually really cool. It's like a social music site and it has over 20 million songs to discover! You can even follow friends or artists and see what their listening to which I find super cool! 

Have you used Rdio before? Have you read the 21-Day Tummy? What did you think? What did you think of Bob's playlist? Would you listen to this in the gym?