The 2016 Update You Don't Wanna Miss

Posted on the 24 February 2016 by Gumptionent @gumptionent
The 2016 Update You Don't Wanna MissGreetings! It has been a long time since I've wrote a blog, especially for my own company! So I'd like to start things off by first saying thanks to my Executive Coordinator, Tony Kasmiski, for taking over the blogging for a bit while I handled other business matters. Truly grateful to have him as part of the team! 
That being said, this is basically a little update about what's been going on. For the last year now I've been revamping the business. This includes finding and adding new team members, developing an official company website, new logos, producing videos, restructuring, and creating new services to offer our clients. 
The team and I are very excited for what we will bringing this year! We have lots of great things in store and it will be fantastic when the time comes to release to the world what we've been working on. One of these includes a new headquarters in L.A.! ;)
So please keep following us as we proceed with our plans! And keep an eye out for more frequent blog posts from not only my team, but myself!
Looking forward to a prosperous and abundant future! 
Yours Truly,
CEO, Troy S. Krueger