The 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Menswear

By Attireclub @attireclub

The 2016 edition of the Eurovision Song Contest just wrapped up in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. The 61 st edition of the event took place in the Ericsson Globe and was presented by singer and TV presenter Måns Zelmerlöw and comedian, dancer, actress and television presenter Petra Mede.

The show gathered singers and bands from various European countries, but also a few from outside of Europe, who competed with their songs for the grand prize, which was, after the jury's and the public's vote, won by Jamala from the Ukraine.

Stylistically, there was a lot to be seen during the three hour show, which was broadcast across Europe and other countries, including the USA, Australia and China.

There were a lot of nature scenes to be seen from a scenography point of view. Naturalness was a theme in clothes as well, as most of the men who took the stage dressed up rather casually and relaxed.

Here is a roundup of the men of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, as they took the stage yesterday evening:

Dutch contestant Douwe Bob looked like a young Johnny Cash in his classic blue suit. Style lesson for men: Blue suits make great alternatives to the classic black ones.

Hungarian singer Freddie wore a very sporty and asymmetric shirt that resulted in a dynamic look. As a fashion note: Jeans go with anything casual!

Israeli singer Hovi Star wore an all-black ensemble with shiny details that were "made of stars". His haircut is a great conversation starter too.

Swedish star Frans represented the host country in a very casual look. What we can learn from his is how to do slicked hair and still look boyish and young.

Amir from France was, just like Sweden's Frans, very casual too, but he did it in a dressed up way. Not to mention that a great attitude such as his takes any outfit up a few notches.

Poland's representative, Michał Szpak, wore a red jacket and sported very rock-n-roll hair. His look was commented on Twitter as being everything between D'Artagnan, Jared Leto or "Sergent Pepper's Polish One-Man-Band." @SnoozeInBrief commented his look saying "It's nice that Russell Brand could donate a spare jacket for this Polish bloke. #Eurovision", while someone else said "This guy is Milli Vanilli reincarnated into just one body. #Eurovision." Any which way, his look was for sure eclectic.

The Cyprus band led by singer François Micheletto rocked classic rock-n-roll attire. Therefore, leather, campy fabrics and strange combinations the main things that defined their bold looks.

Donny Montell wore a simple outfit based on a black and white combination. His contrasting look went hand in hand with his blond Mohawk and black sides.

Russian participant Sergey Lazarev did put on a great show in a very simple and futuristic look. We really loved the fact that he wore a stage costume that was special and complex, but simple at the same time.

Latvian participant Justs sang a very powerful song dressed in a bold look that had as its main piece a cool leather jacket. His accessories (bracelets) and hairstyle definitely completed the look.

The Georgian band had a very bohemian rock-n-roll look, if there is such a thing. With relaxed, but strong pieces, they sure made an impact during the show.

The soccer duo from the UK was a very fresh presence on the Eurovision stage. Dressed in casual street clothes, the two guys showed that even casual clothes can look like a million dollars if they fit well.

To sum things up, we can say that Europe put once again a show that is entertaining, catchy and at the same time, very, very bizarre. In the words of Twitter user @SamTJohnston24, "#Eurovision is truly the best thing that this continent has come up with. Camp, creative and colossal!"

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Photographs: © Andres Putting / Anna Velikova

P.S. We want to hear from you! Who was your favorite contestant? What did you make of the winner? Who had the best style? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!