The 2012 Wedding Industry Awards

By Claire

On Friday I had a call from Damian Bailey. Damian is a UK wedding photographer with a vision. He’s great. Damian is organising The 2012 Wedding Industry Awards. This is a huge undertaking, not least because this is the first fair, all-encompassing, wedding industry award event.

I’ve openly criticised other wedding awards which I thought were unfair. I scrutinised the rules and processes behind The 2012 Wedding Industry Awards and was very impressed. This is a whole new world for the UK wedding industry – an award which is fair, open to all and voted for by brides and grooms. Wow.

The 2012 Wedding Industry Awards

I jumped at the chance to be involved. This reflects everything I stand for: an honest wedding industry driven by creativity and integrity. I’m in. And I promised Damian I’d do everything I could to help promote The 2012 Wedding Industry Awards

We need your help.

We need you to nominate wedding suppliers – anyone who deserves a little recognition, who pulled out all the stops for you on your wedding day.

And wedding bloggers, we need help promoting the awards. This is something that can really bring the industry together – so if you think you can help please get in touch.

About the 2012 Wedding Industry Awards

Nominate a supplier for the Wedding Industry Awards

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