The 2012 Bloody Awards: Favorite Quote By Other Characters

Posted on the 30 October 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

It’s another day…time for another category in which to cast your votes in The 2012 Bloody Awards!

This time we’re shifting away from Eric and Sookie once again and have decided to choose your favorite quotes spoken by other characters – meaning these are NOT quotes by Eric and/or Sookie!

As you know, there were many, many great quotes during True Blood Season 5 – which other characters said. Some were more memorable than others, while some made us LOL! We thought it would be great to decide once and for all – which quote was your favorite overall!

Now comes the hard part…you can only choose ONE from those listed. Yes, I know it sucks…but trust me…we’ve dwindled the list down from over 42 already!

Tell us which gets your vote for “Favorite Quote By Other Characters” in the poll below.  Remember, you can only vote once and it’s open for 24 hours – starting NOW!  We’ve added who said what, in case you’ve forgotten.

<a href="">Take Our Poll</a>

Didn’t realize this until now…but it looks like Pam’s quotes dominated our favorite list, which is nothing new to us! May the best quote win!

Thanks for voting, Eric & Sookie Lovers!