The #1 Herb for Better Brain Health, Approved by Dietitians

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in brain health, especially as the population ages. By 2030, one in five Americans will be 65 or older. While many people age with good health and well-being, some face chronic conditions, including memory loss and cognitive decline, that impact daily activities.

Many factors can influence brain health, and while some cannot be changed, research shows that lifestyle factors such as diet can make a difference. One of the smaller changes you can make to support your brain power is to include herbs and spices in your diet. Not only do they provide certain health benefits, these ingredients can really enhance the flavor of your meals. But there's one spice that tops the list as the most cognitively friendly. Read on to discover which specific herbal dietitians recommend for brain health and why.

What is brain health?

Being mentally fit means that you can perform all the mental processes you need, such as learning, judging, using language and remembering. When you feel like your memory is declining, it is called subjective cognitive decline. This is one of the first noticeable symptoms of more serious memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. That said, aging naturally slows the retrieval of memories, so minor memory glitches are not a sign of a memory impairment.

Research shows that lifestyle behaviors - managing high blood pressure, eating nutrient-dense foods, being physically active, managing stress and maintaining social connections - are linked to brain health.

Two studies from the National Institutes of Health found that those who participated in physical activity, did not smoke, ate a high-quality diet, consumed light to moderate alcohol, and participated in cognitive activities had a 60% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease to have. disease, the most common form of dementia.

Eating healthy and incorporating foods such as herbs and spices can support brain health. While none can improve brain health, some herbs and spices can have a bigger impact than others. These foods protect and improve brain health in several ways, says Maggie Moon, MS, RD, brain health nutrition specialist and author of The MIND diet. This includes "neutralizing oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, improving the body's internal antioxidant systems, and clearing harmful proteins," she explains.

The #1 Herb for Brain Health

Drum roll...Turmeric is our number one spice for brain health. Turmeric, a spice native to Southeast Asia and mainly grown in India, has long been studied for its health benefits, helping with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, anxiety, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol and muscle recovery.

When it comes to cognitive abilities, the rhizome contains a powerful compound called curcumin, which is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. "Curcumin may help reduce inflammation, improve antioxidant capacity and promote the growth of new brain cells, contributing to better cognitive function and potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's," says Patricia Bannan, MS , RDN, author of From Burnout to Balance.

Additionally, Moon points out that "population studies also show that regular intake maintains cognitive function, reduces cortisol and inflammation, and boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor, all of which support learning and memory." (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is involved in neuroprotection and memory, among other things.) However, it is important to keep in mind that there are limitations to the research on turmeric and curcumin, as animal studies are promising, but human clinical studies are mixed, and more is needed.

You can find fresh turmeric, turmeric as a standalone spice, or turmeric in curry powder. It is the curcumin in turmeric that gives the spice its telltale yellow color. Although curcumin is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, the active component curcumin has low bioavailability. This means that the body does not absorb it efficiently itself. To increase bioavailability, studies show that combining turmeric with black pepper, which contains a compound called piperine, can improve absorption by 2,000%. It is important to always combine turmeric with black pepper to maximize the health benefits.

Should You Take Turmeric Supplements for Brain Health?

Although there is promising research on turmeric for brain health, taking specific supplements should be discussed with your healthcare provider. However, consider focusing on food. "The biggest benefit actually comes from eating different herbs, which provide an array of antioxidants that work together to support optimal brain function," says Moon. Turmeric should be used alongside other herbs and spices within a brain-healthy lifestyle. There may also be drug interactions with turmeric, so talk to your doctor about whether a supplement is necessary and safe for you.

How can you include turmeric in your diet?

Adding turmeric to your diet can be a great way to explore new spices and dishes. The spice adds vibrant colors and an earthy flavor to a variety of dishes, such as curries, rice dishes and soups, says Bannan. And adds that a Turmeric Latte is a warming and nutritious drink.

Additionally, try these creative ways to use turmeric, recommended by Moon:

  • Add turmeric powder to no-bake energy snacks made with dates, oats, chia seeds and orange peel. These Carrot Cake Energy Bites are made with dates, oats, pecans and turmeric.
  • Explore your spice aisle and look for spice blends in which turmeric is one of the main ingredients. Experiment with it in savory tomato-based sauces, marinades and dressings. One meal that brings this all together is our Parchment Pack of Baked Tuna Steaks and Vegetables with Creamy Dijon Turmeric Sauce.
  • Mix a small amount with apple cider vinegar and a pinch of black pepper for an invigorating homemade wellness shot. These Turmeric & Ginger Shots are pleasantly spicy.

It comes down to

There is promising research on the health benefits of turmeric for brain health. Adding turmeric to curries, soups, smoothies and drinks can be a great way to add variety to your diet and support your brain health. However, it is important to take a holistic lifestyle approach to optimally support your brain health and cognitive functions. Eating a healthy diet, incorporating exercise, managing stress and maintaining social connections can go a long way in supporting your future brainpower.