That Spiteful, Arrogant, Cynical, Narcissistic Piece of Crap

Posted on the 11 November 2014 by Adask

The Spiteful Narcissist
[courtesy Google Images]

The Washington Times ”. 

We have some sonofabitch in the White House who is going to do what he knows the American people don’t want and what he has no constitutional authority to do.  He—the nation’s chief law enforcement officer—is going to openly, shamelessly, gleefully conspire with millions of illegal aliens and the New World Order to break the law.

According to The Washington Times:

“President Obama vowed Sunday to move forward with an executive order to ease immigration laws before the end of the year, ignoring dire warnings from Republican leaders that the move will poison his relationship with the next Congress.

“The president said he would not wait any longer to address the country’s immigration problems and would grant legal status to most of the estimated 11 million undocumented residents living in the U.S.”

In response to the extreme ass-whipping that Obama brought on the Democrat Party in last week’s election, that spiteful, arrogant, cynical, narcissistic piece of crap is simply using the illegal alien issue as his way to say, “Screw you, America!”  Even when he loses, the narcissist insists that he wins–or at least gets even.

Without constitutional authority to do so, Obama is going to grant legal immunity to at least 11 million (perhaps 35 million) criminals.  He’s going to allow the ignorant, the diseased, the gangsters and drug dealers to enter this country illegally and still stay here despite our immigration laws.

The president of the United States—the chief law enforcement officer of the United States—is conspiring with millions of illegal aliens to violate established American law.

He’s doing so openly, brazenly, shamelessly, arrogantly.

He knows America doesn’t agree with his decision.  If we did, he’d’ve granted some sort of immunity before the election rather than after.

He knows his decision requires him to break the law.

But he is nevertheless saying “screw you, America!”

And I say, may God almighty judge Obama’s worthless soul.

God judge you, Obama.

God judge you.

Speaking of his intent to grant immunity to the illegal aliens, Obama said,

“I’d prefer, and still prefer, to see it done through Congress.”

That’s a fascinating statement and implicit admission.  Obama implies that the illegal alien problem could be solved by either Congress or the President.

How is that possible in a government that’s supposed to be built in the idea of separation of powers?  We have three departments of constitutional government (legislative, executive and judicial).  None of these departments is supposed to be able to exercise powers reserved for either of the other two.  And yet, according to Obama, both he and the Congress can accomplish the same act:  legalizing illegal aliens.

The doctrine of separation of powers is implicit in the structure of the Constitution of the United States, but it’s expressly declared at Article II of The Constitution of The State of Texas as follows:


“Sec. 1.  DIVISION OF POWERS; THREE SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS; EXERCISE OF POWER PROPERLY ATTACHED TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS.  The powers of the Government of the State of Texas shall be divided into three distinct departments, each of which shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit:  Those which are Legislative to one; those which are Executive to another, and those which are Judicial to another; and no person, or collection of persons, being of one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly permitted.”

Similarly, at the federal level, Congress is supposed to make laws.  The president is supposed to execute the laws Congress has made.  Congress cannot execute laws, and the executive branch can’t make or “legislate” laws.

But, under the guise of “executive orders,” President Obama has promised to unilaterally pass laws that will allow illegal aliens to stay in this country.

Implication:  a fundamental constitutional principle—separation of powers—has been lost or is being openly violated by the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

For knowingly and intentionally violating established immigration laws, Obama should be tried for treason.  If he’s found guilty, he should be hanged by the neck until dead.

If that SOB can say “Screw you, America!” by openly breaking the law, America can say the same to Obama by openly enforcing the law concerning treason.

You have a President, ladies and gentlemen, who openly, brazenly, shamelessly and arrogantly breaks the law.

The N-word comes to mind but I won’t write it at this time.

Obama, again:

“But every day that I wait, we’re misallocating resources, we’re deporting people that shouldn’t be deported, we’re not deporting folks that are dangerous and need to be deported,” Mr. Obama said in an interview aired Sunday on the CBS program “Face the Nation.”

How does Obama know who should or shouldn’t be deported?  Has he now assumed the powers of the judiciary as well as the Congress?

What exactly are the characteristics of “people who shouldn’t be deported”?  Are they criminals—illegal aliens—who haven’t been caught committing any crime other than entering this country illegally?  Are they criminals—illegal aliens—who haven’t been caught committing any crime of violence other than entering this country illegally?

Apparently, President Obama’s notion of enforcing immigration laws is to let anyone from any place enter this country illegally and then stay here, provided he’s not caught and convicted of committing some other “dangerous crime”.

But how does Obama define “dangerous”?  Isn’t an invasion by 11 to 35 million illegal aliens of a different culture and language, who demonstrate their contempt for our laws by entering illegally pose a “danger” to the nature of our nation?

Left unchecked, the invasion by illegal aliens will destroy this nation.  If that’s not “dangerous,” what is?

“Mr. Obama has been warned against acting unilaterally on immigration by House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who is likely to become majority leader when Republicans take over the upper chamber in January.

“Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican, said the president’s executive action on immigration would be like tossing a “hand grenade” into his negotiations with the Republican-run Congress.

Bunk.  I don’t expect the Republicans to do a damn thing more about illegal aliens than talk about it and issue “warnings”.  In the end, the upper echelons of the Republican Party are both equally willing to see this nation destroyed and wedded to Mexico and Canada in a North American Union as are the upper echelons of the Democrat Party.  This nation is being destroyed by treason and by traitors.  Those traitors are found at the top of both political parties.

Obama is openly breaking the law.  If the Republicans had any guts and a real commitment to preserving The United States of America, they’d at least impeach Obama or better yet, try him for treason.

The Republicans have no such guts or commitment to preserving this nation.

Mark my words—the Republicans will do nothing effective to stop Obama’s immunity program for illegal aliens.

The top of the Republican Party and the top of the Democrat Party are both working hand in glove to establish the New World Order and thereby destroy The United States of America.

May our Father, YHWH ha Elohiym judge every president, congressman, senator and federal judge who have engaged in, supported, or merely allowed the treason of refusing to enforce immigration laws that’s being perpetrated against The United States of America.