That Sexy White Shirt

By Shaguntomar @shagunt
White shirts have a thing about them! They spell aristocracy of sorts, a sense of sophisticated richness and all that together is so sexy. My love for them made me read a little bit of history of the classic white shirt and I realised that this oomph comes from centuries back, when landed gentry wore white shirts to stand apart from those into manual labor. These were the days when only the supreme rich could afford wearing crisp white shirts with a bandwagon of servants taking on the task of maintaining that whiteness. As we progressed further, the western world saw white shirts becoming a thing of those into office work, further reinforcing the supremacy of it and bringing along phrases such as ´white collar workers´and `blue collar workers´. This white shirt charm has stayed with us till date and why should it not. It is the sexiest fashion that is meant to rule. I can in fact imagine James Dean right now as I am writing. Do I need to say more?

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