Yahoo reports that a California city has ended a dispute with a hot sauce manufacturer, after the manufacturer agreed to install better filters at its factory to prevent local citizens from complaining about the effects of hot sauce fumes.
And you complain when the neighbors barbecue gluten-free-vegan hamburgers. Not because they cause your eyes to water from the odor, but rather from the sadness that a barbecue is being wasted on something that is not meat.
3 More Filters We’d Like To See In California
1. A filter that stops people from allegedly punching Brad Pitt in the face at red carpet premieres for movies titled “Maleficent,” which means “harmfully malicious,” which is too ironic for the young target audience of the film’s producer, Disney.
2. Filter that prevents Disney from using stressful-for-the-elementary-school-reading-level titles for kids’ movies like “Maleficent” which adults have to look up in the dictionary to write entries for this web site.
3. Instagram-like filter that prevents us from seeing Miley Cyrus’ latest tongue pose and turns it into a classic 1950s Disney Mickey Mouse Club smile.
Not The Worst News: Providing Disney With Prudent Suggestions, 3 Ideas At A Time