Thanksgiving: A Time To Come Together

By Rusty @russellpurkiss

As I have shared in previous posts, I love Thanksgiving day!  I love the time of year, I love the meaning of Thanksgiving, the reminder that it gives us of how we should stop, take some time to reflect on what we do have, instead of the constant dwelling on what we don’t have!

As with every holiday, there is always some way that the commercial world would like to “cash in on” the occasion to help stimulate the economy.  This can be a good thing, but on the other had, it can be a real distraction to the true meaning and spirit of the occasion.  This year the traditional “Black Friday” has been planned to take place earlier than ever and it has caused no end of debate.  I would tend to agree with all those who might oppose it for the simple fact that, Thanksgiving is a time for the average American to pull away for the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy each other’s company.

Black Friday is OK and it may have its place, but let’s not forget that it is black Friday and NOT black Thanksgiving day. I say, let’s leave Thanksgiving with all of it its color and relaxation and joy and not allow the dark, crazy and frenetic spirit of shopping invade practically the only day we have to just take it easy! Let the store clerks take some time off as well with their families, instead of having to partake on potentially the most hectic day of the year causing their Turkey to go down sideways contributing to even greater healthcare problems. Commercialism, back off!

Whoever came up with this great idea should be heavily fined and constrained to house arrest! Ha!  Black Friday is insane enough as is without having it bleed over on yet another day.

With this, I wish you all a wonderful and relaxed Thanksgiving day with your loved ones and family!  What are your thoughts?