Thanks to My Family and Friends! I Couldn't Do It Without You!

By Swayne Martin @MartinsAviation
I've been extremely fortunate to have such a supporting group of friends and family that make up the community around myself. Without their support, I know I wouldn't be where I am in my flight training, or maybe even wouldn't have gotten this far! I can't wait to finally finish up my Private Pilot Training so that I can fly with some of them! 

Over the summer as you might've already read, I had the chance to fly a Piper Warrior over my family reunion in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I was amazed to see dozens of family members down on the beach jumping up and down, yelling, and swinging towels around for me! Check out this video to see what I'm talking about:

What I didn't know was that my family decided to buy me little model plane and all sign it for me. This was one of the most touching gifts that I ever received, the messages were so supportive and kind. Check out the pictures below and read some of the messages:

Last year at school, one of the school heads found out about my flight training, and made sure to have an article written about me in the school paper. As I was walking around the halls at the end of Sophomore Year, I saw everyone picking up the paper, and learning something about me that they might've never heard about! Even into this year, tons of people in my grade are finding out that I fly and are begging me for rides! ... That'll have to wait until I get the license! 

My friends and family mean the world to me, I can't wait for the opportunity to fly them over the city and school that we've all grown up in. It'll be an awesome time!

Thanks for reading and watching,
-Swayne Martin
Twitter: @MartinsAviation