Thanks to Forensic Linguistics, J.K. Rowling Was Recently...

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

33 notes &

August 13, 2013

Thanks to forensic linguistics, J.K. Rowling was recently revealed as the author of the crime novel, The Cuckoo’s Calling, using the pseudonym, Robert Galbraith.But how exactly did Rowling transition from Harry Potter to adult fiction?

The visualization above reveals how the author’s writing has changed over time, by examining over 1.3 million words from the seven Harry Potter novels up to Rowling’s first adult novel, The Casual Vacancy.

For more on the J.K Rowling saga,click here

(via AccuratVisually)

Filed under jk rowling harry potter forensic linguistics linguistics tumblinguists tumblinguistics books the casual vacancy the cuckoo's calling visually rowling j.k. rowling writing words language interesting neat visualization data data viz cuckoo's calling casual vacancy news author authors harrypotter movies novels