Thanks To Everyone Who Joined Me On The London Horror Story Tour Tonight

By Lwblog @londonwalks
DC Editor Adam writes…

Just arrived back home after a rather lovely night in the company of some horrible people… at least I'm assuming they were horrible in so much as none of 'em so much as flinched at my tales of ghosts, garrotting and ghouls on tonight's London Horror Story tour.
Thanks to Jeremy Morley for capturing this pic along the route of the tour - in the shot I'm outside the Old Bailey shouting like a Church of Scotland minister…
Right now I'm sitting down to make a few notes for a new London Horror Story podcast, blogpost and map on Kim Newman's excellent Anno Dracula series of novels. I've only recently finished the series and I loved every bloody, witty, clever page – especially the London scenes (of course).
In the meantime, here's a podcast from the archive – The Famous Monsters of Movieland part one. the first half deals with the legend of the werewolf in folklore and on the big screen, with the second half looking at the classic screen vampire Nosferatu.

The Famous Monsters of Movieland No.1… The Werewolf & Nosferatu

My next outing with the London Horror Story tour is on 2nd March 2019. Click the button to book…
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