Dear Daily Constitutionalists,
Thanks to everyone who has been in touch over the last few days via email, Facebook and Twitter – an unexpected trip to Edinburgh took me away from The Daily Constitutional (see pic below) but I'm back now and will be replying to you all in due course!
Coming soon… I'll be catching up on the #plaque366 series; London Spy and all the regular features will return; I'll be updating the Cartoon & Comic Book tour of London; and I've got a few posts to share from London Walks pen and Daily Constitutional Special Correspondent David Tucker and new foreshore archeology guide Greer Dewdney.
And later today I'll be posting in honour of #nationalfishandchipday ! Who knew of such a thing?
Thanks for keeping in touch – normal service is resumed!
A S-G London 3rd June 2016
A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at