
By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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I am Thankful for Small Town Travel

If you spend any amount of time on social networks at all, you can’t help but notice the daily month-long postings for things of which the poster is thankful. Although I didn’t get in on the fun in time, (hello, vacation!), I did want to list a handful of things for which I am, in fact, very grateful.

In other words: this won’t be your typical little Indiana post so if you are looking for travel, browse through the 800+ articles on here in the archives (and come on back tomorrow). But if you want a closer look into my life…hang on!

I am Grateful for…

It reminds me of those old “What are you thankful for” assignments all through elementary school. In third grade, a boy who was picked on wrote that he was thankful for my friend–who had always treated him kindly. Of course, she was teased and our teacher removed it from the wall. That stayed with me. I am grateful for people who stand up for others when they cannot stand up for themselves.

I am grateful that every single day I get to stand up for mom and pop businesses and give them a place on the internet that they may not have had. I am glad that I have a supportive husband and two boys that love each little Indiana adventure as much as I do! I’m thrilled that I have this opportunity to share the value of our own state and the importance of choosing local with our boys–and beyond!

I am thankful for you! Reading, commenting, sending emails…you’ve let me know in a multitude of ways that you appreciate little Indiana–and it’s certainly a nice thing to know.

The Great Outdoors

I am thankful for 1,001 different little things. I am thankful for good books that I’ve read so many times that the covers are worn, the smell of lilacs and peonies and honeysuckle, my old bicycle and the sleepy roads around which to ride it. I love waking up early every day to do a bit of writing–and the quietness of a small town morning.

I am grateful that we have changing seasons. Even though I love summer–I also like the comfort food, hot chocolate, and slow-cooked apple cider that are part of the colder months. I am thankful for board games and card games and the snacks that go with it! I am thankful for front porches and s’mores, fireflies and thunderstorms.

I am thankful for my neighbors, our annual neighborhood block party and circus, the 2 teaspoons of cinnamon I borrowed, the friendly chit chat, and the sharing of garden or homemade extras.

I am ever grateful for the community that little Indiana has become. It really is the hub for all things small Indiana town and for that I will be ever thankful!

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

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