Thankful That Preppers Are Still Nuts

Posted on the 27 November 2013 by Bklotzman @OrganizePrepper

Image from Get one here

The world didn’t end on Dec 21st last year.   The Yellowstone Super Volcano hasn’t erupted.   An asteroid has not shattered the planet.   A horrible virus has not turned 99% of the population into zombies (although I know some of you are still hopeful).   So this Thanksgiving let’s all be thankful that the “mainstream” still thinks preppers are nuts since I’m pretty sure a catastrophic global event is the only thing that will change their mind.   And let’s be honest, no matter how prepared, TEOTWAWKI isn’t going to be fun for anyone so let’s be thankful it hasn’t happened yet.

As a kid, Christmas was always my favorite holiday.   What’s not to love about everyone you know giving you stuff, time off of school, and getting to stay up a bit late because your parents are having a party?   As I’ve gotten older though, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday.   Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas…seeing the kids get excited about their presents, seeing the people who don’t normally go to Church try to remember what to do, and Christmas music (I admit it, I love it) are all too much fun.   But Thanksgiving is when (at least in our family) everyone makes a special effort to actually be together. We all come in from wherever in the world we may be scattered to and spend these days playing board games, watching the Cowboy’s, and of course eating, eating, and eating.   As I mentioned in a previous post, it was over Thanksgiving a few years ago that I got introduced to prepping, so now our activities also frequently include a trip to the rifle range as well.

Anyway, this was just a quick note to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!   I hope all of you are safe and with the ones you love.   Be sure to remember those who can’t be with their loved ones because they are defending our freedoms!

BTW I borrowed the image above from   Organized Prepper is not associated with them in anyway