Thankful For Ice Cream!

By Icecreamed

Feeling Grateful: Top Ten Reasons to be Thankful for Ice Cream

Next week is Thanksgiving family and friends will be gathering around the extended table to dive into some classic American cooking. Turkey! Cranberry Sauce! Stuffing! And if the food does not excite your gratitude, hopefully the familiar faces surrounding you can leave your heart as full as your stomach. But let’s not forget who hangs out in the back of your freezer when it seems like there is truly no one left in the world who understands your pain. Yes, that sweet and delicious friend who always has your back. Here are the top ten reasons you should be thankful for ice cream.

Ice Cream is a Faithful Friend
Ice cream will never leave you, cheat on you, or tell you that your fat. It will always be just where you left it. It is ready to play copilot to this crazy flight you call life.

Ice Cream Wants to Celebrate with You
Ice cream is okay with being stuffed in a birthday cake. It doesn’t feel under-appreciated on your special day. It wants to celebrate with you. It wants to offer you the cherry on top because being with you is sweet enough.

Ice Cream is a Versatile Treat
Ice cream doesn’t just fit into a mold. It fits in a cone, on a stick, or in a dish. It bends over backwards to make you happy. You can choose your flavor, your toppings, and your type of bowl. Ice cream’s possibilities are endless.

Ice Cream Reminds You of Your Childhood
The sound of the ice cream truck rolling down the street reminds you of the sticky days of endless summer. Dig into a bowl and remember what it was like to be a kid.

Ice Cream is Refreshing
Too hot? Ice cream gives you the chill you need. Is there anything else that can truly top off the perfect beach day?

Ice Cream Can Take Care of Any Craving
With flavors abound, ice cream can take care of every specific craving you could ever have. Don’t wander aimlessly through the grocery store! Walk down the only aisle that can truly give you exactly what you need.

Ice Cream Makes You Happy
There’s a science behind your love of sugar. But, even without the technicality, you will tend to associate happiness with tastes and smells that you are positively exposed to on a regular basis. Ice cream seems to find its way into your happiest memories.

Ice Cream Say, “I Love You”
Flowers and candy are nice but you know that someone truly loves you when they run out in their pajamas to get you a pint of your favorite flavor.

Ice Cream is Inspiring
Ice cream opens up a world of creative possibilities. What will you put on top of your chosen flavor? Is it chocolate-chocolate-chocolate? Or are you going to break out of your shell and try something new? With one decision down, who knows where your next decision with take you!

Ice Cream is the Perfect Dish to Share
Fine, ice cream may not compare to your best friend, your parents, or your kind grandmother but it is the perfect gift to share. Let ice cream help you create new and happy memories during the sweetest time of the year.