Thank You To My Children

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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Being a parent is hard work.  Like really really hard work.  It’s no surprise, or at least it wasn’t to me that parenting is hard.  You’re always hearing people say things like, “No one ever said how hard this was going to be.”  All of my life growing up I heard nothing but how hard parenting is.  From my own parents, to my friend’s parents, to my aunts and uncles, and even on TV sitcoms.

And now in this day and age of “mommy bloggers” we have the bloggers keeping it real by showing us just how hard life is through writing and pictures of the chaos.  But there’s always another way to look at things.  Instead of an attitude of kids have ruined my ability to live life a certain way, maybe we should be looking at the positives that they bring.  And hey, maybe being the optimist doesn’t get you page views, but it can be just as real as the chaos and frustration.  People like to feel like they’re doing things better than others out there so reading about others failures is validating.

Don’t get me wrong, this morning I was screaming at my kids to sit down and eat their breakfast and stop playing so we could get out the door.  We are no Brady Bunch here.  Yes, my day to day reality is filled with more than my fair share of running here and there, yelling at children, and temper tantrums, but in that moment this morning I started thinking, where would I be without them in my life?  Even in the bad and most difficult they have brought so much to my life and have taught me so much.  Even when I want to just run away and hide because I can’t take one more “No!” or “Why Mommy?” question from them they have molded me into the person I am today.  So here is a list of reasons I want to say, “Thank you!” to my children.

Thank you…

  • for teaching me that nights spent cuddling and nurturing a newborn baby, teething toddler, and sick child are far more rewarding than spending all night out partying.
  • for helping me overcome my fear of public speaking.  Well, I shouldn’t say overcome, I still hate it, but I will do it if it benefits you in some way and to show you that you can do these things too.
  • for the laughs. The funny things each of you say and or do that make me laugh mean so much to me.
  • for letting me become the party planning extraordinaire I am today.  Who knew I had it in me to plan a party?
  • for teaching me how to be selfless and put others ahead of myself.
  • for the endless amounts of hugs and kisses.
  • for setting my life on this track of unexpected twists and turns of advocacy in education and health.  It has been truly eye opening and such a great lesson in how to effectively speak to people to get what you need out of them.
  • for helping me make friends.  With you around I always know that I have at least one thing in common with the other moms at the playgroup or school which is a great ice breaker.
  • for trying new things.  I stand in awe whenever you step out of your comfort zone and experience something new.
  • for being there.  I rarely have a chance to be lonely because I almost always have someone with me.  I mean it, I love that I’m never alone.
  • for your excitement.  Whether it’s your excitement over something I have baked for you or just to see me when I pick you up, it warms the soul.
  • for teaching me to cook.  Not really teaching me how, but giving me a reason to actually do it and want to be good at it.
  • for liking me even after I shaved my head.
  • for the lunch dates and the trips to the park to feed the ducks and someone to eat chips and queso with at Moe’s. Because every moment we spend together making memories is just another thing that makes me love you even more.
  • for my everyday reminders when I look at myself in the mirror that you spent nine months inside of me growing and thriving to be here and give me all these reasons to be grateful.

I could probably go on, but I think you get the idea.  What would parenting be like for us if more of us stopped to think about all of the things we got because of our children.  Instead of blaming them for the things we don’t like, lets blame them for the things that are great.  Because having children is really a pretty great thing and when we focus on that, then maybe it will help us to be the parents our children deserve.

What do you want to thank your children for giving you?