Thank You Fillmore Container!

By Slimshoppin @slimshoppin

I never really gave a proper shout out to Fillmore Container. About a month ago, I was the 1,000th person to “like” their page on Facebook and they e-mailed me and asked if they could send me a gift because of it. (YES!).

I started to get hooked on mason jars from my blogger friend Robin Sue (BIG RED KITCHEN). She has a whole bunch of recipes made with mason jars (did you know you can even bake mini cakes in mason jars)?

Robin Sue has a bunch of great ideas for using her mason jars. Like these salads


When I got my package from Fillmore Container, I was expecting 1 jar – not a whole bunch of different sizes!!

I have a little built in shelf in a room off my kitchen that is housing some of these awesome jars.

What have I used them for so far?

In the tall skinny ones, I’ve transported my smoothies to work, no worry about spilling in my bag.

For salad club at work, salad dressing in the small jars

My daughter uses the baby jars to bring blueberries and blackberries in her lunch (and she’s remembered to bring them back too!)

I’ve brought soup to work – again no worries that it will spill!!

In another small jar, I gave that to my son and he’s storing screws for his computer in that

Or – I love this idea from THIS SITE – use them to serve drinks in!

Check out FILLMORE CONTAINER to see all the different styles and sizes of containers – they have great prices too!!

And for more ideas for using jars – check out Pinterest and search MASON JARS

Do you have mason jars? What do you like to use them for?