Thank You!

By Megthamama
I grew up in a really small town.
Think 1 stop sign kind of town.
Think 3 gas pumps lined up in a row.

You never full appreciate and understand a place like Sand Hill until you are in the valley.

Sand Hill is a place that is rich in God centered people that treat everyone like family. At one point before dad's surgery, a nurse asked me who out of the 16 people in dad's hospital room was family.

I told her all of them.

When you live in a small town like Sand Hill, you do not have to worry about receiving help in a weak hour.

-Our sweet Claire Bear kept Jaxon on surgery day.  That ninja turtle had the best time with his Claire Bear. She loved on him and made his day so full. Every time we would Facetime he was in the middle of a project with her. 

-Mrs. Janice Smith has been the best hostess from West Salem Baptist Church. She along with their Paster and church members have been so gracious with goody baskets, lunch delivers and sending out updates. 

- You know you are loved when someone offers to keep 3 boys all under the age of 3 for an extended period of time. Auntie Hannie graciously offered to keep Jaxon and Waylon along side Hannah's monkey man Cannon. Those cousin boys gave her a run for her money, but I think she LOVED having a house full of boys! 

- Dad has literally have a notebook page of visitors that have come in and out of his room since Monday. Each visitor holds a dear place in his heart. They laughed with him, wiped his tears for him, prayed over him and then had goody boxes delivered. The outpour has been nothing short of amazing. Dad pretty much hosted his high school reunion on the 6th floor. 

- When we moved to Madison a year ago, it didn't quite feel like home for a few months. I didn't have the support system like I did while living in Laurel. I didn't feel established a year ago and honestly felt alone in motherhood. It was kinda weird not having play dates lined up each week. 

Fast forward a year later, my DEAR neighbor and friend Emily literally helped pack the bags my family needed to get out of the door in 15 minutes. She made sure my baby had a new coloring book and sticker book to keep him occupied for .345 seconds in the hospital. She offered to tidy up our home while we were gone. 

She reminded us that we have a dog and that she would take care of him. 

Then, she and another sweet neighbor (who I literally rang her doorbell and gave Jaxon to her teenage daughter to and said I'll be back in a few minutes to pick him up after I pack bags) drove Hunter's car to the airport so Nathan would have a vehicle when his plan landed. 

In the midst of all of the craziness on Monday night, Emily texted: I filled up H's car with gas for Nathan and I put $10 in the cup holder in case he doesn't have cash for parking. 

That  text put me over the edge of my emotional rollercoaster. 

I was SO humbled by Emily's grace and generosity. I would have NEVER thought about cash for parking! 

- When I told my friend Katye the quick bullet point summery of what's going on with seemed like I looked up and there she was. She brought all of my favorite bad snacks and gifts for the boys! 

-Meanwhile, mom has been receiving the sweetest words of encouragement from friends. Her coworkers have rallied behind her in prayer and sweet text messages. Mom's principal delivered the sweetest note from her school. While reading it, she just cried and cried. 
    -When I told my dear friend Laura that H and Jax were going back home on Thursday, I couldn't even put my phone down before she said I'm bringing them dinner tonight. As a mama, that means the world to me. As a friend, it makes me feel so blessed. 

A few minutes passed and Laura had reached out to friends and neighbors and set up a meal plan for H and Jax while I'm gone. 


Mom and I cannot stop crying over the generosity of others. 

Although we already knew this............but, we have some of the most selfless friends. 
Their love of Christ and their serving hearts have been the biggest blessings surrounding us this week. 

There's no way we could ever repay everyone back for the generosity they have shown us. 

Mom has said over and over and over that she feels inadequate over the love and support we have. We know we will never be able to repay each friend individually, but rested assure, when it's our turn to be on the giving side, we will do it with remembrance of these past days.