TGIFriday's Now in Cagayan De Oro. OH YES!!

By Lessonsofadad @lessonsofadad
I’m not a food blogger (check out,, and for great Cagayan de Oro food blogs), but I am a huge foodie.  I like to eat and I eat a LOT.  Plus, having grown up in America, I have been exposed to many different restaurants and types of cuisines, and therefore I often have something to say when it comes to good eating.
Speaking of America, one of my favorite casual dining restaurants during those days was TGIFridays.  I loved the great food, the variety of their menu, their huge servings (that’s a must), and the chill-out atmosphere.  As you would expect, when I moved to the lovely provincial town of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines a decade and a half ago, I went through some serious foodie withdrawals.
Fast forward to 2013, and, thank the food gods up above, TGIFridays is now in Cagayan de Oro City!!!  At Ayala Centrio Mall to be exact.

All photos courtesy of my new friend, the owner of

Do you know how happy that made me?
Even cooler, I was invited to be among the bloggers in the new restaurant’s recently-held press drive.  Now, Lessons Of A Dad is about parenting, marriage, Christian ministry, and similar topics, and therefore I usually don’t do these kinds of gigs.  But will I allow myself to miss out on a chance to once again eat in one of my favorite childhood restaurants after so many years of abstinence?

So, as I entered T.G.I.Fridays, I was immediately greeted by helpful, friendly staff who guided me to the table where my fellow bloggers and other members of the press were staying.  Our server was a jovial, energetic young man who really made sure we enjoyed our stay.  The first impression in any restaurant is always the service, as it can make or break the dining experience no matter how the food is.  TGIFridays scores big in this area…especially later when the whole staff, even the managers, danced a well-choreographed Gangnam Style and other numbers--a sample of what they usually do when it’s a full house and the guests are waiting for the food to be served.

Me (in red) and my CDO blogger friends

And now to the main event, THE FOOD…and boy, was it delish!!
The first to come were, of course, the appetizers.  We had two of them, both getting heavy plus points with me.

I’m a huge nacho fan, and these were among the best I’ve tasted.

I also liked this appetizer platter.  Never had a chance to get the wings, though.  :(

Then, the main course.  Now THIS is why we come to TGIFriday's

To me this is a cross between an appetizer and main course...and I loved it!

Oh yes, this is the king of burgers.  You’ll never crave for any other burger again.

I love the Jack Daniel's ribs.  They used the famed alcoholic drink to flavor this bad boy.

The good folks at TGIFriday's really know how to impress.  When we were totally satisfied, we then were offered desserts…awesome desserts!  I’m not much of a dessert person, but I couldn’t resist.  Especially the first one.

The oversized oreo.  This was totally, sinfully, delicious!  I totally love oreos, and so this was heaven.

The mudpie pops.  I liked this too, as I'm a fan of mudpies.  And it’s cool that it’s in lollipop form for easy sharing.

Look, as great as these pictures are, they sooo do not do the meals justice.  You can’t taste pictures, you know.  Just take my word for it: get off your computer and head on over to Ayala Centrio Mall's  TGIFriday's to experience what I’ve longed to re-experience for over 15 years.
Just remember, over there, it's always Friday!!