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By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting

TGIF at GReads- This Feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's post & to answer a question from GReads.

Question: Required Reading: Which book from your school days do you remember reading & enjoying? Is there a book published now that you'd like to see in today's curriculum for kids?


Honestly there wasn't many books I enjoyed reading when I was being forced. one that I really loved reading is Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I think that it is such a great book and at least every girl should read it. They even made a pretty good move adaptation of it.I also really enjoyed Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. It is not something I would typically read at all but I really loved it and I plan to read it again.There are so many awesome Young Adult books out now that I would have loved to read in school. I'm not sure if they will ever end up in the curriculum. I like a lot of fantasy so that probably doesn't help either. With that my answer will probably be horrible because I would say things like the Hunger Games, Divergent, City of Bones and all of my favorite YA titles. I feel that probably isn't a great answer because those probably aren't the types of books they want to have in school discussions but one can dream right?

What you may have missed on my blog this week: (also adding some stuff from last week because I didn't have time to do last weeks TGIF, I also did all my other features last week but am not linking those feel free to check those out also!)

  • In my Mailbox (12)
  • Top Ten Tuesday (12)
  • Tell Me Something Tuesday (5)
  • Waiting on Wednesday (12)
Book Reviews:
  • Until Next Time by Amy Lignor
  • Asenath by Anna Patricio
  • Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs
Other Awesome Stuff:
  • Interview with Rod Tyson and Curse of Ancient Shadows Giveaway
  • Remembrance by Michelle Madow Giveaway
  • A Nurses Story: My inspiration for becoming a nurse (yes it is book related)
  • Hottest Boys in Books
  • Transcended Time Title Hunt